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Release Date: 30.09.2019

ISBN: 9786052232378

Editions: 1. Printing

Language Turkish

Number of Pages: 272

Skin Type: Hardcover

Paper Type: Book Paper

Size: 13.5 x 21 cm

Kırmızı Minibüs

The boy was collecting linden flowers. A bird crowed a long time in the garden at prayer time. The child had a lot of work at that moment; My mother came, said the child. She stood up and started looking for the old bird. The grand cypress tree said to the boy, "come." The boy hugged the great cypress tree that his mother had planted years ago.
He closed his eyes at that moment. The cypress tree told her the story of her parents, what happened in this house when she was away from home.
The smell of resin in his nose, the tree whispered the songs his mother sang, and the beating of the wings of the birds suddenly was heard in the branches.
He knew that his mother, father, and Engin brother became a green bird of paradise and came home. Then the evening call to prayer was recited.
The boy listened with his eyes closed. When he opened his eyes, the night had taken everything in. A little bird from the Servi tree took off at that moment.
It was green. “Mom,” the boy said. Mother, father, Engin… The green bird of paradise flew in the sky, flew, flew. The child glared afterwards. He could not catch up after him.

Red Minibus / Salim NİZAM

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